Tuesday, January 6, 2015


stop and think.
have you ever?
ever just thought about how wonderful things are?
ever just been walking down the hallway and you see that guy youve never seen before?
ever just want to go do something spontaneous?
kiss a stranger on midnight of the new year.
walk up to someone and hand them your number.
ever just found that one station on Pandora that is perfect?
have you ever?
i have.
i have had a million thought run through my mind.
i have seen those dads in public.the ones who become instantly hot with little kids.
i have had those moments of flirting from across the room.
i have had those times i flirt from across the room.
i have sent a risky text.
i have found that perfect station on Pandora.
i have.
right now, i sit.
i sit and listen to my favorite, new found Pandora Station.
i sit and think, let my thoughts wonder.
i sit and think about my favorite things.
i sit and think about what i want in a relationship.
i sit and think what kind of relationship i want.
i sit and reminisce about the times we had together.
i sit and remember when you would sit me upon the dishwasher.
i sit and remember when you would come over without mom knowing.
i sit and remember when you toss me over my shoulder and i would laugh.
right now, i sit.
these things wander through my mind daily.
i am the kind of girl who wants the silly yet serious relationship.
one where i can come kiss you in the middle of the hallway in front of the guys and then walk away.
one where i can jump on your back and giggle, hair falling in both of our faces.
one where you arent afraid to show me off.
one where no one knows how long weve been friends.
one where youll pick me up, throw me over your shoulder.
one where i can spend all day at your house in sweats and a tank with a messy bun.
one where i dont have to wear make up or look cute all the time.
one where i can be silly.
one where we go on simple dates.
one where we can just drive and forget the world.
one where we can just be lazy.
one where i am a part of your family, and your apart of mine.
one where we act like we are six.
one you see in the movies.
one you see in pictures.
one you hear about in songs.
thats the type of relationship i want.

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