Wednesday, January 7, 2015

April 14, 2012

We’ve all been through the drug and alcohol classes throughout our years in Junior High and High School. We’ve all seen those pictures and we’ve all had friends and family members who have abused these things. Then they become addicted, they change, and you miss the old person that is down there deep and you used to know. That is what happened to me. I lost someone near to me. I lost the old people I used to know. Do I miss them you ask? Of course I do. His name was Jason. This little scrawny, skinny kid who flung his arms all over the place, constantly had dirt on his face and his shoes were always untied. Through elementary school and junior high, he was my best friend…even when I didn’t realize it. After I was pushed away from most of my class in sixth grade, Jason picked me up. When I didn’t have anyone to talk to on the first day of seventh grade, Jason, he was always there. We walked to class every day, listened to my pink iPod in band, and ended our days with goodbye and a hug. This we our daily routine all the way through, even when he hit rock bottom. When he hit rock bottom, we kind of distanced ourselves, we didn’t tell each other our secrets but we were still to close. So close that people didn’t know if we were related or if we were together. We were just best friends, simply. He knew I didn’t like the fact we was abusing drugs, or came to school high, and spent his time with people he shouldn’t have. I knew that at every point in someone’s life they go through a rough spot and this was his way out. He told me to never become like him, he wanted me to do for him. He wanted me to live a clean life, for not only me and my family but for him. I took that promise and have kept it ever since.I remember the series of all the pieces falling together, slowly but tightly. I remember it as clear as day. It was Friday April 12th, 2012. The bell had just rung, parents came to pick up the kids, and I started my walk home. I hear my name being called, I knew it was Jason. I turn around and he’s right there. I look at him and asked him what he needed. He looks me dead in the eye, told me he loved me so much, said he’d see me on Monday and he will text me later. He gives me the biggest hug and said he’d miss me forever. I didn’t think about any of it. Later that night I was texting him, he kept telling me he missed me and everything. I told him I had to go, I had to get ready for a funeral the next day. He told me he loved me and we said goodnight. The next morning, I can’t ahold of him…I come to the conclusion that he is busy. I let it go. I am almost in the driveway of my house and I receive a text message. It’s from a number I don’t recognize, telling me that Jason has committed suicide. I don’t believe it, I can’t. It doesn’t make sense. It never made sense and it still doesn’t. No one really knows why and I can say I don’t, but it still hurts. Drugs played a big part in his life and I have promised that I will live a clean life, for him. Just for Jason.

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