Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Seven. Seven words.

Seven words came rolling off of your lips.
Words that everyone seems to say, and have never seemed to remember saying.
For some silly reason, I believe you.
I then begin to imagine what these words are defined by.
What they consist of. What you mean.

I want them.
Want is the key word here.
I want them to consist of this:
  A house of a thousands smiles.
  A front door that opens into a perfect fantasy.
  A lowered living room, with a deck all around.
  A kitchen with home-cooked, loved-filled meals.
  An upstairs, with a view into our everyday life.
  A private getaway; Ours.
  A beautiful glass barrier, with a view and a glass deck.
  A bed, our bed, set away, in its own cove.
  French doors, entering into our own.
  Double walk in closets, with mirrored doors unlocking them.
  A glass door entering into the place we wash our worries away...together.
  This isn't all I want with you, though.

Yes, I want a big house.
But, not all to ourselves.
I want a house filled with the patter of little feet.
Smudges of little finger prints, and giggles of little voices.
The early morning wake up calls of laughter and kisses.
The morning rush of breakfast, clothes, lunches and an SUV of booster seats.
The nightly wind-down of dinner, baths, spelling tests, and goodnight kisses and prayers.

A life of our own definition of perfection.
I want to change my name, and start a new story.
Our story.
Our life.
Out adventure.

I want to be able to tell our kids about the silly adventures.
Late nights, your dirty FJ, and muddy jeans.
The nights in, the cuddles, and the inside jokes.
The feeling of us running the town at 2 AM on late night runs until the roads stopped...gravel and all.
Our wedding, how we met, and our first fight.

I want to share it all.
But, I want to share it all with our kids.
I want them to look at us, and set goals to be like mommy and daddy.
I want to be able to say the word.
And know my kids will never choke on the world when their lips form it, like mine did.

I want everyone to look at us and wonder if we are still kids.
I want to have everyone be jealous we are still in love at the beginning of every day and a little more each night.

Your tan skin.
Blue eyes.
Bright smile, and full laugh.
The way you care about us, and put us first.
Everything about you.
Your pajama pants, and arms around me.
Your lips.

Those seven.
Six simple words.
Six words roll off your lips.

"I want to take you with me."


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