Thursday, July 16, 2015

My 200.

"Pass 'GO' and collect $200."
I don't know how many times I have given it back.
It seems every time I pass 'GO' I'm not collecting.
I'm not giving it back. I'm loosing It.
Loosing grip.
But it is time to stop.
Time to stop letting time push me back.
It is Time for me to push forward.
And collect that $200 on the way.
I'll start fresh.
Because I wanted to become.
Become someone I was not.
I did and I lost It all.
Then I came across you.
You were my 'GO' .
You were my start.
You were.
And now I am.
And now I am someone New.
I am the girl who takes you to the party.
Takes you to the party In the same t-shirt.
Same I'm t-shirt I wear to bed.
So stay.
Stay with me.
Stay with me right here.
Because right here, right now.
Right here, right now is perfect.
Let's disappear into perfect.
I hope my perfect is the same as yours.
The perfect of the ceiling fan turning to the rhythm.
The rhythm of our spinning bare feet on the floor of our first apartment.
Our first apartment with that living room light.
That living room light that keeps you begging for more.
Where the begging turns into a wonder.
A wanderlust feeling.
A curiousity feeling.
The feelings, along with the bare feet.
Lead us down the hall.
The hall where pictures hang of our high school days.
Let me be your party girl.
But a different kind of party.
A party that has a little apartment.
Just the two of us.
My old tv && no cable.
Your old bed && microwave.
Because this is my 'GO'.
You are my $200 that I wanted.
That $200 for rent.
For food.
For telephones that are only used to keep in touch.
Keep in touch with each other.
A month.
Soon that $200 becomes something else.
It becomes 200 days.
200 weeks.
200 weekends.
200 sleepless nights.
200 kisses.
200 tears.
200 months.
200 promises.
200 years.
Because you're my kind of different.
Kind of crazy.
Kind of happiness.
Soon it'll be 200 bandaids.
200 stuffed animals.
200 barbeques.
200 birthday parties.
200 everything.
Because you are my summer rain.
My winter snow.
Fall leaves.
Spring clouds.
I can't wait to make that 200 into something bigger.
Something full of love.
Full of laughing.
Full of little hands and toes.
Full of firsts.
Full of memories.
Beaches and glass houses.
Couple dogs.
Maybe a cat or two.
Motorcyle rides through the city.
Late nights on the beaches.
Trips to Mexico.
Drapes blowing from the salty wind.
Music always playing.
A cool summer night of love.
It couldn't be a better 200.
Because I want to.
I want dreams with you.
Because I want to with you.
"Pass 'GO' and collect $200."